Augusta University Facilities is partnering with the Sizemore Group to conduct an instructional space audit on the university’s Augusta campuses beginning Wednesday.
The audit is expected to take about two days on the Summerville and Forest Hills campuses Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 9-10, and the Health Sciences and Riverfront campuses on Friday, Dec. 11 and Monday, Dec. 14. See the space walk schedule and the space audit floor plans (set one, set two, set three and set four) for more specific times and locations.
Students and patients are the most important part of our Augusta University mission. Accurate data for all of our classrooms, labs and instructional spaces is an important component in course scheduling. The instruction space audit will provide verifications and updates of our instructional space data.
This physical space audit will focus primarily on instructional spaces, including classrooms, lecture halls and teaching labs. However, it should also incorporate conference rooms and other general spaces where academic instruction occurs.
The auditors will be touring and recording data about spaces, as well as conducting interviews with various department leaders and scheduling coordinators for information on how these various spaces are used for instruction. Faculty and staff who work in or around academic spaces on any of the Augusta campuses, should expect to see these auditors as they visit a wide range of buildings and locations.
Please note that the auditors will be accompanied by university representatives from Facilities while on campus.
If you have any questions about the instructional space audit, please contact Joe Gambill, senior architect and planner for Facilities Services at 721-7148.