Education Mission Plan complete, planning site overhauled

Not only is the “Education Strategic Mission Plan” complete, it’s got a new digital home.

The new Planning@GRU site, conveniently located behind the About tab at (or here), is the updated home for all planning-related information, from the USG Strategic Plan down to the individual college level strategic plans.

Previously, the planning site went directly to “Transition Forward,” the post-consolidation plan that was adopted in March 2013.

In September 2014, the Provost Cabinet developed a draft of planning assumptions, focus areas and desired results. That fall, the Provost Cabinet, the deans of all nine colleges and key faculty and college leadership worked to formalize the focus areas and begin developing goals for each focus area.

By early 2015, the draft was ready for input, and now, the completed “Education Strategic Mission Plan” is live and ready to be seen.

A draft version of the “Research Strategic Mission Plan” is also currently available and open for input here .

According to Kay Roman, director of planning and project management, now that leadership has made its availability known, an awareness campaign is about to inform everyone that the “Education Strategic Mission Plan” is ready for viewing.

“We have planning and assessment specialists assigned to every unit and college at the institution,” she said. “They’re going to be walking out with this in their hands and helping people understand it.”

The plan, which went through an extensive development process this spring, including a review by several focus groups, is built around four strategic focus areas: student success, curriculum and pedagogy, academic programs and reputation and culture and engagement.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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