Don’t miss out on another event: subscribe to the Jagwire Events Weekly

One of the major takeaways from our last internal communications survey – and probably the leading idea voiced at the follow-up focus groups – was the fact that you never heard about all the cool events that were going at the university and the health system until it was too late. You were missing concerts and sporting events and other opportunities, you said, because you just didn’t know about them.

Sure, the Augusta University calendar is a resource, but you said you wanted something that went beyond that. Something that landed in your inbox.

So, the Jagwire team has created something that does just that.

Starting next Monday, we’re sending out Jagwire Events Weekly, a weekly email that gives you all the events you tell us you want to know about.

What’s in it? That’s completely up to you.

You should already have received a Jagwire Events Weekly Subscription Invitation, but if you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do it here, too. Just check the categories you want to hear about and ignore the ones you don’t – the weekly email you receive will be populated only by what you want to see.

Are you a sports fan? Check the box marked Athletic Events in Augusta. Really jazzed about the arts scene? Check Arts and Culture. Want to know about alumni events? Professional development events? Conferences? Just check the boxes and that’s what you’ll hear about.

The Jagwire Events Weekly is supplemental to the recently updated Jagwire Weekly News email you already receive and represents our continuing commitment to getting you the latest, most relevant information about the university and the health system.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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Jagwire is your source for news and stories from Augusta University. Daily updates highlight the many ways students, faculty, staff, researchers and clinicians "bring their A games" in classrooms and clinics on four campuses in Augusta and locations across the state of Georgia.