Georgia Regents Medical Center plans to build a state-of-the-art hospital in Columbia County.

DCH affirms Columbia County hospital decision

The following email was sent on Sunday, September 27, to members of the GRU and GRHealth community by Shawn Vincent, vice president of Partnerships, International Healthcare and Strategic Affiliations

Dear Colleagues,

We have some exciting news to share with you regarding our Columbia County hospital project.

Today we learned that the Georgia Department of Community Health affirmed its decision to grant Georgia Regents Medical Center a Certificate of Need to build a 100-bed hospital in Columbia County.

As you may remember, after the Department’s November 2014 decision to issue the CON to Georgia Regents, both University and Doctors hospitals filed appeals with DCH contesting the decision. This DCH decision answers those appeals.

We applaud the team at DCH for the time, care and effort that they’ve invested in evaluating the health care needs of Columbia County’s citizens and in choosing the most appropriate provider to meet those needs.

We are confident that our proposal is the most comprehensive and forward-thinking, and that by leveraging equipment and IT solutions that our health care partners Philips and Cerner have not yet made widely available, Columbia County could soon lay claim to the most technologically advanced hospital in the nation.

If there is no further opposition to the Certificate of Need, we will work to finalize the purchase of the building site in Grovetown so that we can begin construction.

We are committed to building a community teaching hospital and health care campus that will contribute to the economic, social, cultural and physical health and wellness of the residents of Columbia County and its neighbors.

We appreciate all of you for supporting our efforts, and we remain confident that we will soon move this project forward.

Kindest regards,

Shawn P. Vincent, Sr.
Vice President of Partnerships, International Healthcare and Strategic Affiliations

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