CSRA College Night 2015

GRU will be front and center at the annual CSRA College Night, where high school students will have an opportunity to meet recruiters from more than 130 colleges and universities and win $13,000 in scholarships.

This year’s event will occur on Thursday, Sept. 10, 5-8:30 p.m., in the James Brown Arena.

Admission is free and open to the public.

College Night provides a way for CSRA students and parents to:

  • Obtain information on educational opportunities, admission requirements and tuition;
  • Speak with representatives from various professional societies who will be on hand to provide information in areas such as engineering, management, chemical science and nuclear science;
  • Attend seminars to get information about HOPE and LIFE scholarships, financial aid and essay writing for college admissions, scholarships and joint enrollment;
  • Visit a counseling center that will be open throughout the evening where students and parents can seek advice about the college application process from high school advisors and admissions professionals;
  • Visit a career exploration area where students can discover their options after college. Students will be able to participate in a quick “card sort” interest inventory to validate their career choice.

To qualify for a College Night scholarship, students must be high school juniors or seniors and graduate with a GPA equal or above 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent).  Students must attend and register in person at CSRA College Night to be eligible.

For more information, visit:


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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at erijohnson@augusta.edu.

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