Communications & Marketing's inaugural Summer Summit will be held Aug. 2-3 in the Jaguar Student Activities Center on the Summerville Campus.

Construction ongoing near Jaguar Student Activities Center

Construction will be ongoing in the Jaguar Student Activities Center over the next few weeks. Faculty and students might experience some of the following:

  • Work began Aug. 23 with the construction area in the JSAC near the west entrance. The area will be cordoned off for your safety. Be sure to steer clear of the construction area.
  • The JSAC information desk will be temporarily moved to the parking lot entrance of the breezeway, across from the elevators. The JSAC team will continue to serve during this time.
  • Heavy noise-generating work will be completed in the evenings after 5 p.m.  There might be some construction noise between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. but we do not expect disruption to meetings, events and programs.

Stop by the JSAC information desk if you have questions and please Pardon Our Progress as we continue to grow and expand at Augusta University.

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