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[Michael Holahan/Augusta University]

College of Business holds Hull Declaration Day

The James M. Hull College of Business held its Spring Hull Declaration Day (HDD) on Jan. 31 in the Dr. Roscoe Williams Ballroom at the Jaguar Student Activities Center to introduce business administration majors to everything the college has to offer, as well as departments that benefit its students.

Hull Declaration Day, held during the fall and spring semesters, also provides students with information on the Career & Academic Planning Center in Allgood Hall, where they will meet with their advisor to complete their program of study.

The Center for Writing Excellence, Military & Veteran Services, Professional Sales Club, Career Services, Academic Success, Student Success Center, Academic Advisement, AU Scholarships Office, and Student Counseling & Psychological Services also participated in the event. 

Scholarships, internships and study abroad opportunities are discussed, as the college awards more than $100,000 in scholarships annually. Internship experience is a requirement for graduation and a priority to assist students with their post-college careers.

Students were also introduced to the student organizations offered at the College as well as to faculty and staff.

Hull Declaration Day was originally created to help rising juniors transition to upper-level advisement, but focus has shifted to freshmen and sophomores enrolled in the Intro to Business (BUSA 1105) class.

“Hull Declaration Day is an integral part of our ‘Hull Experience,’” said Rick Franza, Dean of the Hull College of Business. “Hull students get to experience firsthand how the college is vested in their success. We show them all of the great academic, professional development, and career opportunities available to them as they engage in their time in Hull. We also introduce them to various student support services on campus also available to them. HDD engages our students and provides the information necessary for their retention, progression, and graduation from AU/Hull.”

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