COE Dean’s Lecture Series to commence March 16

The College of Education Dean’s Lecture Series will begin on March 16 at 6 p.m. in the JSAC Ballroom.

Dr. Tondra Loder-Jackson, director of the Center for Urban Education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham will open the series by addressing the topic of education during the Civil Rights Era. Loder-Jackson’s current research is focused on the role black schoolteachers played in this defining window of American history.

A panel of three will join Loder-Jackson in a discussion about some of the misrepresentations and surprising facts about Civil Rights-era education in the black community. The panel will consist of Christine Miller-Betts, executive director of the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History; Dr. Judy Carter, former chair of Teacher Education for Augusta University; and Dr. Mallory Millender, Paine College historian.

For more information about the COE Dean’s Lecture Series, contact Stacey Hudson at

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Written by
Andy Napier

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