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Clay Sprouse named VP for audit, compliance, ethics and risk management

Clay Sprouse, chief audit officer at Augusta University, has been named vice president for audit, compliance, ethics and risk management, effective immediately.

Man's head shot
Clay Sprouse

Sprouse has served the university since 2012. He has a proven track record with over 25 years of experience in audit, finance, compliance and risk management across various industries to include state, local and federal government, higher education, retail and communications. He is also a double Jag, receiving both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Augusta University.

“Clay’s experience with policy and procedure improvements and dedication to the university will serve him well,” said Augusta University President Brooks A. Keel, PhD. “I have full confidence in his abilities to help nurture a culture of compliance and ensure our faculty, students and staff are well-versed in risk management resources and guidance.”

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