Halloween looked different this year across the country, but Augusta University’s Civic Engagement Office (a unit of Student Life and Engagement) wanted to ensure kids in the CSRA still got the holiday experience they deserved.
In partnership with multiple student organizations — including the American Student Dental Association (ASDA), the Pre-Law Club, the Criminal Justice Club, Aspired Unity, Zeta Tau Alpha, MEDLIFE, and the Pre-Nursing Society — Civic Engagement provided bags of candy, toys, activity books and other Halloween items to two local elementary schools.

“I was shocked by the outpouring of support for this project. So many students participated and we exceeded what we expected,” says Roberto Aragon, coordinator for student involvement in the Civic Engagement Office.
The bags were hand-delivered to Copeland Elementary and Wilkinson Gardens Elementary on Thursday, Oct. 29 — just before Halloween on Saturday.

Over 350 goody bags, 100 children’s books, and 235 dental hygiene bags (including toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste) were donated.
“The thing I enjoyed most while making the Halloween goody bags was seeing other student organizations come together to make the elementary kids something special for Halloween, even during the pandemic,” says Imani Jackson, a senior psychology major.
Cavana Lambert, the principal of Wilkinson Gardens Elementary, was grateful for the support. “Our students were so excited to receive their treat bags. The joy that the AU team brought to our students’ hearts and faces melted my heart. We really appreciate the Augusta University family,” said Lambert.
The Civic Engagement Office provides opportunities for Augusta University students to become involved in community service learning experiences through direct service and engagement. Learn more about the office.