The dedication of the First Ladies Camellia Garden photographed near the History Walk on the Summerville Campus. Photo by Michael Holahan Job #

Camellia plants added to Augusta University campus to honor First Ladies of Georgia

Augusta University has been gifted a collection of camellia plants that have been planted in a garden on the History Walk next to Maxwell Theatre.

A dedication was held as the plants have been named in honor of the First Ladies of Georgia.

“We would not be here without the generous donation of the Augusta Camellia Society,” said President Brooks A. Keel, PhD. “Mr. Jim Dickson and Dr. Edward Porubsky have worked with Augusta University to provide the camellias and chose a location that would showcase this garden as it deserves.”

The collection is one of three First Lady Camellia Gardens in the state and is featured on the Georgia Camellia Trail. The other two are located at the governor’s mansion and at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, at the University of Georgia.

Mark Crawford cultivated the plants which come from the original garden at the governor’s mansion in Atlanta.

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Written by
Kevin Faigle

Kevin Faigle is Media Relations Specialist at Augusta University. Contact him to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at kfaigle@augusta.edu.

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