Caldwell is E-cigarette champion for Georgia Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Dr. Alice Little Caldwell
Dr. Alice Little Caldwell

Dr. Alice Little Caldwell, associate professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Georgia and director of the Newborn Nursery at Augusta University Health System, is the E-cigarette champion for the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The academy has selected a champion for each state chapter to work with pediatricians to help stop the E-cigarette epidemic in youth, and to make recommendations about preventing and stopping E-cigarette use and avoiding secondhand aerosol exposure.

E-cigarettes are the most common tobacco product used by youth, they are not approved as a smoking cessation tool and young people who use E-cigarettes are more likely to use traditional cigarettes and/or other tobacco products, according to the academy.

Caldwell has served on the Executive Committee of the academy’s Section on Tobacco Control and as editor of the section’s newsletter since 2017. She also is an educator on immunizations and breastfeeding for the academy’s Georgia Chapter, and is a member of the national academy’s Section on Breastfeeding.

Caldwell has been honored by the national academy with its Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development Award and Special Achievement Award.

Caldwell is a 1981 MCG graduate who also completed her pediatrics residency at MCG and its teaching hospitals. Most recently, she earned a master of public health from the AU College of Allied Health Sciences. She has been a faculty member in the MCG Department of Pediatrics since 1999, and is a residency interviewer and medical student advisor for the department.



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Toni Baker

Toni Baker is the Communications Director at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-4421 or

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