Being an academic health center, Augusta University differs from community hospitals. We have three primary missions — patient care, education and research. This culture and infrastructure allows us to bring world-class clinicians, pioneering research, and the latest technologies and breakthroughs right here in Augusta.
“Patients coming to our department, as one department within the academic medical center, means the patients can expect they’re getting cutting-edge treatment from the people who are the most up to date on medical information,” Dr. Vaughn McCall, Chair of the Medical College of Georgia Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior.
Like McCall, many of our health care professionals train the next generation of caregivers, while others conduct pioneering research that improves medical diagnosis, treatments and technology, bringing their cumulative expertise full circle to the patient bedside.
Our physicians are constantly translating discoveries into new treatment options, making Augusta University the first choice for complex care and the highest level of services. Best of all, we offer them to our patients first. That is the #AUHealthAdvantage.
Learn more about the AUHealth Advantage or join the conversation with #AUHealthAdvantage.