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Augusta University’s strategic planning process underway

As referenced by President Brooks A. Keel, PhD, in his virtual State of the University address in April and in recent town halls, Augusta University is in the initial stage of updating its strategic plan.

Unveiled in the fall of 2017, the current strategic plan, Beyond Boundaries, will continue to guide the institution through the calendar year 2021 and will become a foundation upon which to build. The process to update the strategic plan will employ a comprehensive, cohesive approach to establish measurable objectives to achieve over the next five years.

Led by Keel, the strategic planning process is also steered by Dr. Neil MacKinnon, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost, and Dr. Russell Keen, executive vice president for external relations and chief of staff to the president.

“As I’ve toured much of the institution, Augusta University’s strengths are evident,” MacKinnon said. “I’m excited to further engage in conversations with others to develop a strategic plan that builds upon those strengths and upon collaborative opportunities to help us achieve our vision.”

While the updated strategic plan will be finalized in the spring of 2022, the upcoming fall semester will provide multiple opportunities for engagement. To stay updated on and engaged in the strategic planning process, please visit the planning webpage.

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