Augusta University hosts National History Day event

NHD Exhibits1On March 5, 2016, more than 120 students from several area schools, including the Academy of Richmond County, Episcopal Day School, Augusta Preparatory Day School, Westminster Schools of Augusta, and Hickory Hill took part in the regional-level National History Day (NHD) event at Augusta University. Sixty-four participants were selected as regional finalists in individual and group categories and will go on to represent their school at the state competition, which takes place at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia on April 23, 2016.

The Department of History, Anthropology and Philosophy at AU has been sponsoring the northeast Georgia regional competition for more than two decades.

Dr. Andrew Goss, Department Chair and Regional Coordinator, points to the great value of the NHD.

“Participation in the National History Day is a rich learning experience,” he said. “Students discover first-hand the value of deep and critical reading by analyzing evidence, interpreting data and drawing conclusions, all through working on a fun, hands-on project.”

National History Day is an academic enrichment program for students in grades 6-12. Students select topics connected to an annual theme and complete their own in-depth research on the topic. This year, the annual theme is Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange in History. Students present their conclusions by creating museum-style exhibits, media documentaries, research papers, interactive websites, and dramatic performances. At each level of competition – regional, state, and national – students share their work with their peers, historians, educators, and professionals in related fields as they complete for special awards and the opportunity to advance to the next level of competition.

This year, the competition was filled with many exceptional projects that impressed the judges, including interactive exhibits detailing American space exploration, documentaries on the history and influence of the New York Stock Exchange, and a one-of-a-kind performance paying homage to Dr. Vivien Theodore Thomas, the surgical technician who developed successful treatment for Blue Baby Syndrome.

The National History Day in Georgia is a program of the Georgia Humanities Council and LaGrange College in partnership with Mercer University.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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