A large group of people gather around a man and a woman as the man signs a piece of paper. They are in a large atrium of a state capitol building.
Gov. Brian Kemp signed the state’s amended FY2025 budget on Thursday, March 6.

AU awarded $99.8 million from state to help fund new research building

Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp signed the state’s amended FY2025 budget on Thursday, March 6. The budget includes $99.8 million to help fund the construction of a new translational research building at Augusta University.

“This funding demonstrates our state leaders’ dedication to the future of a healthier Georgia and their commitment to Augusta University’s mission,” said AU President Russell T. Keen. “We are extremely grateful for the hard work, dedication and vision of Gov. Kemp; Lt. Gov. Burt Jones; our state legislators, including Speaker of the House Jon Burns; House Appropriations Chairman Matt Hatchett; Senate Appropriations Chairman Blake Tillery; Rep. Mark Newton, chairman of the House Committee on Higher Education Appropriations; Sen. Billy Hickman, chairman of the Senate Committee on Higher Education Appropriations; our local legislative delegation; as well as Chancellor Sonny Perdue and the University System of Georgia to bring this new research building to Augusta University.”

Augusta University has also raised nearly $30 million from philanthropy, including donations from the AU Foundation, the MCG Foundation, generous community members and the City of Augusta to help fund the $146.2 million project. 

The new 150,000-square-foot research building will help continue propelling Augusta University toward its aspirational imperative of becoming an R1 research university and earning a top 60 NIH ranking by 2030. The Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University currently ranks 64th among U.S. medical schools with $72 million in National Institutes of Health funding. That figure represents a 20% increase in funding in FY24.

Large group of men and women and college age students pose on large architecturally detailed staircase
Gov. Brian Kemp and First Lady of Georgia Marty Kemp joined the Keens and the AU Capitol Day contingent of students, faculty, staff, AU Foundation board members and local delegates for an annual photo. [Michael Holahan/Augusta University]

“The new building will provide modern laboratory spaces, advanced equipment and updated technology infrastructure that will meet the evolving needs of our researchers,” Keen said. “This state-of-the-art research facility will also help us continue to attract top-tier researchers to collaborate on lifesaving discoveries that will benefit the entire state of Georgia and beyond.”

Close to 70% of the research space on AU’s Health Sciences Campus is housed in buildings that have reached or are fast approaching their useful lifespan. Based on recent growth and future projections, an additional 300,000 square feet of dedicated research space will be needed over the next 10 years in addition to the existing 889,000 square feet of current research space at AU.

A search is currently underway for AU’s next executive vice president for Research and Innovation, and that individual will be instrumental in expanding AU’s research capacity and elevating the university’s research profile.

Offering residents, fellows and students rich and robust research experiences is also a fundamental part of modern health sciences education. The new building will help create a physical environment that is centralized, advanced, flexible and conducive to collaborative discovery.

MCG has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research for nearly 200 years, advancing care and producing benefits related to Alzheimer’s and cognition, remote stroke care, heart and vascular care, diabetes and obesity, cancer immunotherapy, traumatic injury and PTSD, reproductive endocrinology, pediatric brain tumors, fetal and maternity care, COVID-19 care and prevention and much more. Supporting science and research at AU and MCG will benefit infants, children and adults throughout Georgia and the region with innovative breakthrough translational treatments, discoveries and cures. 

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