Across all of our campuses, we saw Jaguars excel and the university continued to record unprecedented growth in enrollment.
"As proud ambassadors of this wonderful institution, our giving encourages alumni, donors and our community to join the cause," says Tina Baggott.
Vascular biologists in MCG have spent years developing treatments for acute respiratory distress syndrome from pneumococcal pneumonia.
"Regardless of how many times you hear 'Congratulations!' or 'We regret to inform you,' wherever you are is where you're meant to be," says Eboni Watts.
“This opportunity allows us to really hone in on our pedagogical skills for international relations," says Craig Albert, PhD.
"By working with study volunteers to co-design study protocols, we can design studies that are more patient-centered and culturally sensitive," says Christy Ledford, PhD.
"By helping students know what resources are here, it can work against the stigma that may exist against utilizing certain campus resources," says Morgan Davis.
Whether you are faculty, staff or a student, the new intranet will deliver personalized, role-based information on a single dashboard.
“This suggests that targeting senescent cells with senolytics could be a game-changer for sepsis treatment,” says Raghavan Raju, PhD.
"Mark Myers embodies the true spirit of collaboration that drives Augusta’s tourism forward," says Bennish Brown.
Since the program began, it has received more than $125,000 in individual and group donations to the HGP university foundation account.
Those in attendance enjoyed a holiday market including the new mobile Roar Store, arts and crafts, inflatables and games, a holiday train and refreshments.
"Going through this program, you will change fundamentally as a person and you have to be ready for that," says Leila Mohammadizadeh.
"Sunny Sides and Dirty Tables" was developed and produced in AU's Short Film Production class.
“Being from Augusta and because my mom and grandmother went to AU, it was a no-brainer for me to go there,” says Elise Frails.
"I feel this award is an acknowledgment of our commitment to making sure our research and practice are inclusive of the people that we serve,” says Teal Benevides, PhD.
"What I went through was hard, but I stuck with it, and it means a lot to me that I am an example to my kids and grandkids that saw me do it," says Jerome McFadden.
“Victor’s memory lives on as these students honor his legacy, building paths that lead to their own success," says Alexander Schwarzmann, PhD.
Augusta University students, faculty and staff can savor the flavors that fuel this city by enjoying the discounts offered by several local coffee shops with the JagPerks program.
The Graduate Hooding and Commencement Ceremony will be at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11, and the Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony at 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 12.