“Having a resource like this, especially locally, right here on campus, is a really important asset for our researchers,” says Meghan McGee-Lawrence, PhD.
Gov. Brian Kemp introduced a budget that includes $99.8 million in funding for a new translational research building at Augusta University.
“It allows us to explore uncharted territory in mucosal immunology and vascular biology," says Rafael Czepielewski, PhD.
"Every decision I make related to a research project or a startup company is driven by solving a problem in society," says Keith Hearon, PhD.
Vascular biologists in MCG have spent years developing treatments for acute respiratory distress syndrome from pneumococcal pneumonia.
"By working with study volunteers to co-design study protocols, we can design studies that are more patient-centered and culturally sensitive," says Christy Ledford, PhD.
“This suggests that targeting senescent cells with senolytics could be a game-changer for sepsis treatment,” says Raghavan Raju, PhD.
“By understanding this basic mechanism, we will be able to target this pathway and develop new therapeutic strategies against cancer,” says Santhakumar Manicassamy, PhD.
“This research helps us know what to look for, making it easier to identify similar mechanisms in human diseases," says Klaus Ley, MD.
The grants are aimed at helping scientists better understand the mechanisms of two cardiovascular complications associated with HIV.
“This year we finally found something that was both an interesting image and an interesting research subject," says Bruno Cisterna, PhD.
“The Paceline fund offers us an opportunity to utilize highly sophisticated, novel technology to test our hypothesis and obtain insightful preliminary data,” says Zoya Kurago, PhD.
“I saw there is a group with really poor health outcomes, so I decided to look at what is going on socially to see if there’s any connection,” says Samantha Jones, PhD.
“It shows that our work is competitive nationally and demonstrates our commitment to training the next generation of scientists," says Eric Belin de Chantemèle, PhD.
The program supports investigators at each career stage who propose innovative research that, due to its inherent risk, may struggle in the traditional NIH peer-review process.
“We discovered a unique population of innate lymphoid cells in the intestine that are different from similar cells found in other parts of the body,” says Natalia Jaeger, PhD.
Those with IDD have different and varying levels of support needs related to communication, self-care and other life skills across all of their life expectancy.
“It is a great opportunity because we have a lot of great colleagues and great support in terms of core facilities and staff,” says Ahmed Chadli, PhD.
"Instead of waiting three months for new imaging, we move forward sooner with the diagnosis and treatment, eliminating any delay,” says Daniel Miller, MD.
Since 2019, Paceline has invested almost $1.5 million in cancer research, with sights now set on $2 million.