Blue Route pickup to Summerville shifts to Laney-Walker

To catch the Blue Route JagExpress shuttle to Summerville from the Health Sciences Campus, you will need to do so at this bus shelter/curb turnout in front of Pavilion I on Laney-Walker Boulevard. The Blue Route no longer has a direct route to Spellman or Goss Lane.

The Blue Route of the JagExpress Shuttle Service will no longer have stops on Spellman Street or Goss Lane at Jaguar Park student housing. Instead, students, faculty and staff who wish to take the Blue Route from the Health Sciences Campus to the Summerville Campus will need to board the bus from Laney-Walker Boulevard at the bus shelter and “curb turnout” in front of the Pavilion I building.

Again, riders must plan to get on the westbound Blue Route shuttle at Pavilion I to go up to Summerville. Conversely, the eastbound Blue Shuttle return trip from Summerville will drop faculty, staff and students on the opposite side of Laney-Walker in front of Pavilion III.

After careful study and consideration, it was determined that Laney-Walker Boulevard is a central connector on the Health Sciences campus when traveling to and from other Augusta University campuses. In addition, with heavy construction beginning soon on the new College of Science and Mathematics building in the former Lot 10, shifting the Blue Route will alleviate congestion in the Goss-Spellman corridor.

This new bus turnout for the JagExpress on Laney-Walker Boulevard is expected to open in June.

Construction began a few weeks ago to create a new turnout for the buses to use on the south side of Laney-Walker at Pavilion III near the Wellness Center parking entrance. This turnout and bus stop will be the permanent dropoff for riders coming down from Summerville to Health Sciences, as well as the pickup for riders going from Health Sciences downtown to the Georgia Cyber Center.

This has been a primary shuttle stop on the Health Sciences campus for a few years, but the new turnout area will enhance the safety of pedestrians and improve the flow of vehicle traffic on Laney-Walker. The work should be completed in a few weeks as the turnout area is expected to open by mid-June.

The new bus turnout is being created between Pavilion 3 and the Student Center parking lot entrance.

You can find more information about Parking and Transportation on the Augusta University website, including shuttle routes and stops.

If you have any questions, please contact the Parking Office at or call 706-721-2953.

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Written by
Denise Parrish

Denise Parrish is Director of Communications for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic at 706-721-9760 or

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