University leaders to sign new charter, induct new members into Phi Kappa Phi honor society

At 6 p.m. on Friday at the Lee Auditorium on the Health Sciences Campus, President Brooks Keel, Provost Gretchen Caughman and all nine deans will join several other university leaders in signing the new Augusta University Chapter Charter for the Phi Kappa Phi honor society.

At the same ceremony, more than 70 new members will be initiated.

Founded in 1897, Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest honor society for all academic disciplines. More than 100,000 members maintain their active status, and approximately 32,000 new members are initiated every year.

Augusta State University’s chapter was established in the early 1970s and Georgia Health Sciences University started theirs in August 2012. Those chapters consolidated under Georgia Regents University in August 2013.


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