Deaner chosen to receive 2016 Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award

Richard Deaner
Richard Deaner

Dr. Richard Deaner, associate professor and Counselor Education Program Coordinator, has been awarded the 2016 Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award for research institutions for the University System of Georgia.

After careful examination and discussion of nomination portfolios from across the state, the review committee unanimously chose Deaner to receive the award, according to an award letter from the University System of Georgia.

The review committee was most impressed by Deaner’s development of a meaningful assessment used within the counseling education discipline and cited his singular focus on student development, both inside and outside the classroom, as extraordinary.

The award letter also singled out Deaner’s continued role as “Teacher as Mentor,” and his lasting influence on students and faculty alike as a “reflective practitioner.”

Deaner will be officially recognized at the annual Regents’ Scholarship Gala at the St. Regis Hotel Atlanta on Friday, April 29. There, Deaner will be honored before more than 600 guests, including the regents, presidents and colleagues from peer institutions. In addition to being officially recognized, Deaner will also receive a $5,000 monetary award.

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Written by
Nick Garrett

Nick Garrett is a communications coordinator in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him at 706-446-4802 or

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