Additional American Sign Language courses open for registration

Click for a larger image of the updated ASL course schedule.

Registration is open for American Sign Language courses at Augusta University that will begin July 17.

Students taking the courses start with the Beginning Level, moving on to the Intermediate Level and ending with the Advanced Level. Additional courses are available once the advanced course is completed.

“A Basic Course in American Sign Language” is an opportunity for students and members of the community to learn a new language. No medical background is required. All courses are eligible for Continuing Education Units for Nursing. Each course level takes eight weeks to complete and all courses use the same textbook A Basic Course in American Sign Language.

Also available is a class on the “100 Medical Signs You Need to Know.” This course is designed to teach health care workers and other hospital staff about the basics of American Sign Language, including medical signs, to better communicate with deaf and hard of hearing patients.

A Basic Course in ASL – Beginning Level

Date: July 17 through Sept. 4, 2019 (Wednesdays)
Registration deadline: July 12
Time: 6:30-8 p.m.
Location: AU Health
Annex I Building, on 15th Street (across from Pizza Hut)
North Entrance, Room 1151
Cost: $50 plus $45 for text

A Basic Course in ASL – Intermediate Level

Date: Sept. 24 through Nov. 13, 2019 (Wednesdays)
Time: 6:30-8 p.m.
Location: AU Health
Annex I Building, on 15th Street (across from Pizza Hut)
North Entrance, Room 1151
Cost: $50 plus $45 for text (if not previously purchased for Beginning Level)

A Basic Course in ASL – Advanced Level

Date: Jan. 8 through Feb. 26, 2020 (Wednesdays)
Time: 6:30- 8 p.m.
Location: AU Health
Annex I Building, on 15th Street (across from Pizza Hut)
North Entrance, Room 1151
Cost: $50 plus $45 for text  (if not previously purchased for Beginning/Intermediate Levels)

100 Medical Signs You Need to Know

Date: July 22 through Aug. 26, 2019 (Mondays)
Time: 6-7 p.m.
Location: AU Health
Annex I Building, on 15th Street (across from Pizza Hut) North Entrance, Room 1151
Cost: $40 (no text)

For a complete schedule, view the events page for Interpreter and Translation Service.

Augusta University Health offers American Sign Language interpreters and the services of DT Interpreting, pioneers in the field of sign language interpretations using tele-video conferencing, in cases of emergency when an interpreter is not available. For more information on the ASL courses or interpreters, contact Interpreter and Translation Services at (706) 721-6929 or email Vivian Rice, manager of Interpreter Services.

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Written by
Emily Lacey

Emily Lacey is a writer in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-6144

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