On Friday, Dec. 14, Augusta University will confer 678 degrees during its fall 2018 commencement ceremony at the James Brown Arena. The event begins at 2 p.m.
Dr. Sandra Carraway, Superintendent of the Columbia County School District and Augusta University alumna, will deliver the commencement address.
A total of 627 students are expected to graduate with 51 receiving multiple degrees — 30 undergraduate and 21 graduate/professional students. Of the 30 undergraduate students, three will receive two bachelor’s degrees, and another 27 will receive a bachelor’s degree and a certificate. All 21 graduate/professional students will receive a master’s degree and a certificate.
Of the 627 students, nearly half (301) are graduate/professional students.
Forty students self-identify as first-generation graduates. More than 91 graduating students have a military status code associated with their name. This includes veterans, active duty military and the spouses and dependents of active or retired military personnel.
No matter how you add up the numbers, though, the result is always the same: Come Friday, there will be a new generation of Jaguars out in the world doing incredible things.
For stories, shoutouts and updates about Augusta University’s fall 2018 commencement, or to share your stories with us, be sure to follow us on social media using the hashtag #AUGGRAD. Congratulations, Class of 2018!
Class of 2018
By the Numbers

degrees awarded

graduate and professional students

first-generation graduates

military students, veterans, spouses or dependents

students receiving multiple degrees