2019 fall VolunJAG applications now open

Local college students are getting the chance to make a difference in the lives of patients, families and staff at Augusta University Medical Center by participating in the university’s VolunJAGS youth volunteer program.

VolunJAGS in the Interdisciplinary Simulation Lab.

The six-week program is offered during the spring, summer and fall semesters, and gives participants the chance to contribute to the community while learning about careers in the medical field.

Volunteers will learn service skills as well as attend seminars, tour the university’s Interdisciplinary Simulation Lab and participate in a semester-based magazine donation program.

“Giving back to your community and interacting with patients is so rewarding as you see the difference you are making in someone’s life,” said Tina Baggott, associate vice president for Volunteer Services and Engagement at Augusta University. “This uniquely designed program allows students to have hands-on learning, which is greatly beneficial to those pursuing careers in health care.”

Hisham Kashif

The program’s summer session kicked off June 10, and among the volunteers is second-time participant Hisham Kashif.

Kashif is a cell and molecular biology major in Augusta University’s BS/MD degree program and says he is using the program to jumpstart his path in becoming a health care professional.

“Having a chance volunteer at the medical center is a life-changing experience because you get the chance to make small impacts on patients as you spend time with them,” said Kashif. “I take to heart every patient interaction I have because it is another way to show we care.”

Applications for the fall 2019 semester are now being accepted. To apply, complete the online application, submit a reference letter and submit a required essay by June 28.

Learn more about the VolunJAGS youth volunteer program.

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Written by
Danielle Harris

Danielle Harris is Senior Media Relations Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-7511 or deharris1@augusta.edu.

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