New policy management system coming soon

We have received feedback on the dissatisfaction and inefficiencies of the current method of manually routing policies for review, vetting, and approval as well as the difficulty in finding the latest approved policy. We understand the frustrations, and in response, we are implementing a policy management system that will provide all faculty, staff, and students an easy and simple way to find policies through the use of a robust and easy-to-use search function. No longer will there be confusion as to which policy is the latest policy since the new policy management system archives outdated policies.  The new policy management system will improve the overall efficiency of the policy management process by:

  • Providing one secure and centralized place for all policies for Georgia Regents University, Medical Center, and Practice Plans
  • Standardizing workflows for the routing of policies for review, vetting, feedback, and approval
  • Simplifying authoring, approving, and distribution of policies
  • Ensuring timely review of policies by established review cycles
  • Ensuring accountability for policies by capturing attestations

Georgia Regents University will launch the new policy management system on May 6. To ensure that all faculty, staff, students, and the public can easily access any approved university policy, all university policies will still be available from a Web page that can be viewed by everyone.

Training on the new policy management system is available in Workforce Learn Online. To see the list of recommended courses for your designation, click here.

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